SYDNEY MARIE PHOTOGRAPHY | Grand Rapids Wedding Photographer

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20+ Wedding Day Essentials That You Didn't Know You Needed

Being a wedding photographer, I've seen and learned a few things about weddings and wedding day prep. There is usually an aunt or grandma who has a big box full of random items that end up being needed. With any wedding day you never know what is going to happen, here are 20 items that most people don't think about when prepping for their wedding day.

  • Wedding timeline and the numbers for all your vendors. Having your timeline on hand as well as any vendor phone numbers is key for wedding day success. At one of my past weddings, the limo broke down and I ended up calling the bride after 20 minutes of waiting at the photo location. NO GOOD. Let your vendors know what is going on if there is any problems!

  • Blotting Sheets. This was my number one at my own wedding, I even gave little packs of them to my wedding party. For summer weddings or if you're oily with makeup on, blotting sheets save the day!

  • Cough Drops. My favorite are actually Vitamin C drops, they help with any kind of cough you might have. Perfect for the ceremony!

  • Dry shampoo and dry conditioner. Dry conditioner helps a ton with frizzy hair and we all love dry shampoo. Having your own outside of your hairdresser can help long after they are gone.

  • Pantyliners/tampons/pads. You never know when and where Aunt Flo is going to show up, be prepared. Your ladies will thank you!

  • Glue/Glue Dots. If anything, glue dots are a life saver. They can be used for pretty much any tear or anything you need glued together in a hurry.

  • Tissues. You never know if/when someone might shed a tear.

  • Lighter. A lighter can seal a fraying ribbon, seal a plastic bag and so much more.

  • Clear Nail Polish. So much more than just a shiny coat, nail polish can be used to re-glue gems on bouquets and belts or seal a fraying ribbon.

  • Ibuprofen. You never know when a headache is going to hit someone, it’s always good to have on hand!

  • Straws. Bringing cans of soda or bottles of water? Bring some straws too, keep your lipstick fresh and on your lips!

  • Breath Strips. Choose breath mints or strips over gum! Especially for pictures, no one wants to see gum in your mouth mid chew.

  • Cotton Pads. They are seriously have so many uses. From using them to remove nail polish, apply/remove makeup and cleanup!

  • Safety Pins. When something doesn’t fit quite right and you don’t have time to use a sewing kit a safety pin (or two) does the job.

  • Crochet Hook. This is ESSENTIAL if you’re having any kind of buttons on the back of your dress. It saves time and nails!

  • Hand Sanitizer. Keep your hands clean!

  • Pepto Bismol/Tums. Someone will need it, promise.

  • Poo-Pouri. I know, I know. But seriously, hear me out. There are so many getting ready areas in venues that have one small stall/bathroom. Number 2 is going to happen, might as well make the best of the situation (and yes, this stuff works!)

  • Baby powder/Anti-chaffing powder. It’s seriously a lifesaver in the middle of summer, keeps you sweat free and no chaffing!

  • Tweezers: Bad brows? Got a splinter? Tweezers can do that and so much more.

  • Floss/floss picks. Floss is a serious fix all! Since it's white and thin, it's a perfect camouflage on a dress bustle or tie snaps. Floss picks are great to have for after breakfast/lunch too!

  • Sewing Kit with Scissors. If I had to count how many times I've had to sew someone into their dress... seriously having a small sewing kit is a top essential, plus you will need scissors (there is always be someone who didn’t take a tag off).

  • Scissors. Did I mention scissors?!?!

  • Band Aids (and a first aid kit). Because blisters and high heels (I'd also recommend getting pre-heels!!) and those accidental cuts from last minute decorating.

  • Eye Drops. As a girl with contacts, I always have eye drops on me. You never know when you’ll need it, but it’s good to have in case you get makeup in your eye.

  • Deodorant. Bring the spray one, so everyone can share without making it weird.

  • Stain Stick/Pen. You're sitting in your formal wear, eating a sandwich and a mustard covered tomato falls on you. What do you do, grab the stain stick.

  • Static & Wrinkle Spray. PLEASE SOMEONE BRING SOME, especially for chiffon dresses. You'd be amazed how easy bridesmaids dresses wrinkle and get full of static, even after steaming for what feels like forever.

  • Hydration drink mix. These packets are great to have on hand, especially if anyone was drinking the night before. Just mix into a bottle of water and you’re good to go.

Weddings are days of celebration and fun, being prepared for the little unexpected things will help the day run smooth. I hope this list helps you with your wedding day prep! 


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