5 Reasons to Have A Weekday Wedding | Friday Fives with Sydney Marie Photography


Saturday weddings have always been the norm, it’s the weekend and most people have it off of work. But what about when the venue you want is booked every Saturday in the summer or your top vendor picks are unavailable? Weekday weddings are a great alternative, here are five reasons why weekday weddings are just as good (if not better) than Saturday weddings.

  1. Some vendors offer discounts.

    *insert the Chris Pratt surprised face meme* I KNOW. Mind blowing. With weekday weddings being few and far between for a lot of vendors, they might offer a discount or be more willing to work with your budget. If your budget is smaller or you want to keep the cost of your wedding to a minimum having a weekday wedding can definitely help.


    Instead of a discount, some vendors might offer you an upgrade instead. Like a caterer including chargers and linens for free, the venue including their ceremony space with your package or a photographer adding on an extra hour of coverage for the same price.

  3. The vendors you love are more likely to be open.

    Fall in love with an amazing vendor? Having a weekday wedding you’re more likely to be able to book that vendor. This could be booking the bakery you want for your cake, the photographer you’ve been following for years or the venue you’ve been dreaming about.

  4. Travel and hotels are cheaper!

    If that’s not a bonus, I don’t know what is. Flights and hotels are lower prices during the week, making it easier for your guests to travel without breaking the bank.

    If you’re leaving for your honeymoon right after your wedding, your own flight and hotels will probably be cheaper too!

  5. You don’t have to compete with other couples for your venue.

    This is actually something I have heard before from couples trying to book popular venues in the area. There is over 7,000 weddings a year just in the Grand Rapids area with about 120 venues. The main wedding season in Michigan is May-October, and that’s about 30 Saturdays. Doing the math, that’s not even half of the total weddings for the year. Booking outside of the weekend you’re less likely to have your date booked before you’re able to.

I hear a lot of complaints when a weekday is suggested “what if none of my guests come?” All I have to say to that, is if they love and support you, they will do their best to get the time off to come. You can also offer an evening dinner/reception so guests that do have to work can just miss the ceremony and celebrate the rest of the time with you.

Weekday weddings are totally fun and budget friendly. If you’re looking to have more of a low key wedding without the crazy late night, a weekday wedding might be a good option for you.


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