SYDNEY MARIE PHOTOGRAPHY | Grand Rapids Wedding Photographer

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Five Goals for my 28th Birthday

I turned 28 yesterday and I came up with five goals I want to reach this year. They are both personal and business related, with most of them working hand in hand with each other. Being an enneagram 2 (the helper) I really want to take control of my life/business and work on these five goals:

  1. Healthy boundaries. I am a yes person, I know that. I know it’s okay to say no, but I have always had a hard time with it. I hate feeling like people are going to be disappointed in me or with my business hire someone else over me. This year I am setting healthy boundaries both in my business and my personal life. I’m not going to be answering emails when I should be sleeping and I’m not going to be bending over backwards just for a booking.

  2. Being present. Going back to being a yes person, I feel like I’m working 24/7 at times and I’m not really present with my husband and family. In fact, I’ve been told that I’m not present by my husband, which is the worst feeling in the world. I want to be more present with those around me that I care about as well be more present for my wedding couples. I’m going to be stepping back and automating more of my social media and unplugging more after Jesse gets home from work and when we’re spending quality time together.

  3. Give the best customer experience to my couples. I am working hard right now on creating more informational content and streamlining my process for couples. I want to give them an even better experience than I have been in the past. I hired a business coach to help me with this process and I am doing a LOT more education where I feel I need it most. I want to take my whole business to the next level and this is how I’m going to do it.

  4. Save and invest money. One of the biggest things that I heard yesterday in a mindset bootcamp is, “You have to change the way you see things in order to receive the things you’ve never had before”. I need to change my myspace …I mean mindset about money and start saving and investing more than I am now. I’m setting up an IRA for myself and using the app Robinhood to invest. I’m also exploring other options and working on a joint savings account with my husband that has more than a few hundred bucks in it.

  5. Run my company, not let my company run me. With hiring a business coach, my goal is to be on track with my business. Being on track with my business means to me that I have a solid workflow that keeps me running my business smoothly. It also means having a website that brings people in with great content for couples. I also don’t want to feel stressed about deadlines and the overall process, so really automating everything is going to be key.

I can’t wait to come back to this post next year on my 29th birthday to see how much I’ve grown. It’s really the reason why I wanted to write all of this out, to show up and be the person I want to be. This year is all about growth and taking back having a healthy work/life balance. I am worthy of a successful business but I’m also worthy to celebrate that success and be able to enjoy my life with the ones I love.

A HUGE thank you to Chelsea my business coach, I’ve been working with her for only two weeks and I’m already seeing a HUUUUGE improvement. The better it gets, the BETTER it gets!