Why have a First Look?


Considering a first look on your wedding day? Do you want to do a first look but your fiancé doesn’t want to? Here are 5 reasons why you should have a first look.

1. You're nervous.

Having a first look actually helps calm your nerves. It's the main reason why I pushed for one at my own wedding. Seeing each other in an intimate setting gives you both a moment to relax before the ceremony.

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2. It works better with your timeline.

This is especially for winter weddings where it gets dark relatively early. Having a first look means you can do wedding party and family photos before the ceremony.


3. It gives you more photos of the two of you.

You don't have to rush to get to dinner and why wouldn't you want more photos?!?!

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Your hair and makeup is fresh! Not windblown or wore off.

4. Spend more time with your guests.

Going along with #2, having formal photos done before your ceremony means you can enjoy cocktail hour with your guests.

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5. It's a moment alone together.

Let me tell you, your wedding day is going to go by so quickly. Having a few moments together to just enjoy your day and celebrate together is so special.

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Do you have to do a first look? No. Are there other options to a first look? Yes. You can read each other letters on opposite corners, you can be blind folded. Don’t want to do a first look with your fiancé? Have one with your parents or someone special in your life.

Do whatever you want to do, it is your wedding!!


Grand Haven, Michigan | High School Senior Session | Jaxon Class of 2021


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