Downtown Grand Rapids Engagement Session | Hannah + Josh


Hannah and Josh’s engagement session in Grand Rapids, Michigan was a DREAM. We started the session at Provin Trails for some woodsy casual photos and then headed downtown for some more formal photos.

I absolutely love the Grand Rapids downtown area for engagement sessions. There are so many little hidden gems for photos everywhere you look. The city was the perfect background for their more formal outfits. Bonus, Hannah’s shoes are the shoes she’s wearing for her wedding. To make them feel different she kept the bows on for their engagement session and took them off for their wedding. I love a good two in one hack!

I asked Hannah how her and Josh met, and about their first date, “Josh and I met at Michigan state through Greek life. Our houses were paired up for “Greek week” and he was my partner for a dance event. (Our) First date was in Okemos where we both ordered fancy chicken tenders. ♥️ We also both left them at the table after boxing them to go.”

I had so much fun with these two during their session! I’m so excited for their August wedding at CityFlatsHotel downtown Grand Rapids, I know it’s going to be gorgeous!


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2021: A Year in Review | Sydney Marie Photography